Saturday, April 17, 2010

In His Footsteps Ps. 37:23

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way."
Last winter, my husband Jeff took me for a snowmobile ride on a lake. Riding and driving on the frozen lake to me is preferable since it is generally flat and more dependable than riding alongside the roads where an unexpected dip can happen at any time. Some people LOVE to get scared and love to be surprised but after being raised with four older brothers who liked to hear me scream, sudden scary things are not my cup of tea. Well, along we went until the sled came to a choking stop. The engine died, and we were stranded. It was a pretty funny experience actually and laughing about our predicament made it more bearable. But, we had to walk back in the deep snow to the cabin on the other side of the lake; which was rather challenging. Jeff trudged along ahead of me and I tried my best to walk right in his footsteps. It was so much less effort to step where he had already stepped. When trying to make my own path, I quickly grew tired and fell far behind. It didn't take long for me to see what the Lord wanted to show me. The Bible is filled with passages that mention the term "path". In Bible days people walked wherever they had to go! We can easily misunderstand the meaning in our society where we drive on paved roads with directional signs everywhere. Ps. 1:1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.." Jesus knew that if we would simply follow in HIS footsteps, and listen to his directions, we would not be led astray and we would get where He wanted us to go. Lead on Lord Jesus! I will follow.