Monday, May 6, 2019


Passports are identification books issued to travelers so they are fully verified by the United States.
We no longer may travel in or out of the country without one. Why is it that we fully
understand and accept our need for passports to
travel, but needing to follow God’s plan to
be ready for the Rapture doesn’t make sense to people.
The Second coming of Christ is the most significant event anticipated by a believer.
It’s imperative that we get this right.
I had to provide a passport picture, a certified birth certificate, my driver’s license along with
several forms filled out. It was a tedious and expensive
Recently I had to upgrade my passport for international travel. The slightest mistake negates the entire application. If a passport is that important to the US government, then surely our preparation for the
trip to the New Jerusalem must be carefully planned.
Let’s pay close attention to the instructions the Word has provided. Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:38