Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Even as a very young lady, I wrote out some of my prayers to the Lord.  I taught my students to do this as well.
Today, I will share a written prayer with you from the bottom of my heart.

 My intention is NOT to impress anyone with my walk with God, but to model how impacting our written prayers can be not only to ourselves but to the kingdom of God.

Remember David and Jeremiah?  We read these prayers and supplications to this day. Writing your prayers is not only a good practice but, these prayers can bless others and certainly effect the world around us.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Oh, how I love you, my Lord! You are my Christ, my Messiah;  Jesus my Lord.   I am so thankful that I know you as my Lord - the Christ.  Once again, I give you my life.  I am yours. Wash me with your Word.

We celebrate your birth soon.  The birth of the Christ-child. The God-man; Emmanuel-God with us.  You are the God that is with me!  I am so amazed to see how you have kept your promises to me. You have been so real; so present. I have come short over and over, but you have never left me.  I see your precious loving hand guiding my life day after day.

This morning, as I spoke to AJ before he went off to school, I reminded him about how there are so many kids that know ABOUTt you, but do not truly KNOW you.  I told him to please continue to get to know you more and more; to talk to you about things and then expect to hear back from you.
I don't think kids are taught to listen to what you are saying to them.

Conversation with God-what a revelation!

Lord, my family needs continued guidance and healing.  I can't thank you enough for bringing us through these storms.  We are a living testimony that your Word sustains us, heals us and restores us.

I miss being in the ministry, Lord.  I miss teaching classes and speaking. I love to see the faces light up when your Word begins to come alive to them.  It is like seeing a fire ignite; there is no mistaking it.  I keep getting messages to share with others.  I will just keep them,  and when the right time comes, I pray I will to be able to share what is on my heart again with others.

Joseph comes to my mind often.  He too,  felt like his life had been stolen from him.  He lost his family, his identity, his wealth, his security and his freedom. But Lord, you were building something through his life.  You were building a plan of escape for your people.  Please help me to learn to trust you more.  I want this loss in my life to be used for something good. I give you this loss.  If you can take broken vessels and make them new,  please take my family and make something useful of us as we enter this new chapter.

I choose to trust you and to believe you,  though many times, I doubted that your promises were for ME.  I wanted to believe, it was just hard. I hurt so deeply.  I wondered why I was having to go through this terrible trial.  But I thank you for sending true Christians in my life.  They kept speaking faith to each member of our family. Oh, how I need to be there for others that are hurting and going through trials that make no "apparent" sense.

Lord, you gave me a verse about hope back when I was a teenager.

Proverbs 13:12  Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. 

When we wait and wait for a prayer to be answered, it can make us truly sick.  But when we see the answer come forth, it is like seeing trees blossom once again.  I pray, Lord,  that I can remember that you have every intention of bringing healing to our lives.  Night only lasts so long.  I want to be filled with hope during those night hours when fear and dread reigns usually.

Lord, thank you for this time we had together and please help those that are in so much anguish today.  Please supply the needs of the destitute.  I hurt for those that are suffering.  Heal ____, and _____, and ____. I know that I am nothing without you and all my efforts are nothing compared to one moment of your working in a situation.  Bless my leaders and bless those that I teach. Please supply our needs. 

In Jesus' name, AMEN.