Friday, June 25, 2010

I really shouldn't tell this story but.....

I can't resist! Our son Tim is being mentored by a missionary who is starting a church in Mexico as well as pastoring a US TX/MEX border church. The room that they supplied for him to sleep in has a nice love seat couch in it, but no bed, nor mattress.
Right away Tim told us he had found some padding and was going to make a makeshift mattress and lay it on the concrete floor. He was pretty miserable but he didn't say anything to the missionary. He did call home and tell us, so we suggested he go buy some sort of cot and he could get by for a month using that. He looked at them at a market but decided not to buy one (they were sort of expensive). So more than a week went by before he realized that the love seat was a HIDE-A-BED!!

I know I should not have laughed, but I could not help it; it had never occurred to him that next to him was his answer. He really began to laugh too when he realized how "blind" he had been.
I am so guilty of not recognizing God's provisions right at my fingertips. The answers to my prayers often are right in front of me.
I am reminded of the couple that ate cold sandwiches out of a cooler the whole time they were on a once-in-a lifetime oceanic cruise, not knowing that the most sumptuous gourmet foods were included in the purchase ticket price.

Are you agonizing over a need in your life? Look in the room you are in, or in your own heart. You may be going without what you deserve due to your lack of faith in God's ability to provide.
Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

And remember this wonderful old adage:
The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God will not keep you.(author Jim Wallis).

If you are a believer and have followed Jesus, you can bank on your provisions. God knows exactly what we need and he has already planned it out.

A very dear friend passed away from breast cancer some years ago. She and her husband had two young sons. I could hardly work one day because I knew her hours were drawing to a close. I went in to see my principal about some issue and he asked me how I was and I began to sob. It was so unprofessional but I could not help myself. I hurt for her and her husband and children so much.
I will never forget what this wise principal told me: If God takes her home, then he has already written the plan for those boys' lives. He has a plan for them, they would be alright. Oh, what a revelation to me. I lack faith so many times. God help me to recognize that you have it all in control and that you are the best Father anyone could ever dream of. Jesus is my el shaddai!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A girlfriend or a bride-to-be? Proverbs 1

A girlfriend or a bride-to-be? I taught our church class many years ago that God is not looking for a girlfriend but a BRIDE. A bride has made up her mind. A girlfriend is keeping her options open. She is waiting to see if this is Mr. Right or not. A girlfriend as a lot of questions to get answers for. A bride is focusing on the BIG DAY. Her questions have mostly been answered and she is "sold out" and "in love". A bride is anxious to find out what HE loves and to relinquish any self-centered plans. Love does crazy things to people actually. It's humorous to hear love stories sometimes.

Life is so heavy. I am beginning to abhor negative chatter, but yet I almost cringe when I hear some preachers who never discuss God's "other" side. God is not just love, love, love. He is just, jealous, all-knowing, and all-seeing. Think about it: Jeus knew that the widow woman had given more than all those wealthy worshipers, though she gave only two coins. God knows the little details of our lives!!

God is a jealous God; he expects loyalty. His first commandment is that we shall have no other God's before him, and the NT rendition is that we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength...and our neighbor as ourselves.
I am glad God demands my whole heart; that means he loves me wholeheartedly as well.

So, when we ignore the persistent prodding of the spirit of God, we anger and disappoint the Lord. The following passage from Proverbs 1 was written long ago by Solomon, King David's son. It sounds like a God-blog to me....

Proverbs 1:24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

I have ignored the Lord so many times, I am ashamed to say. It's not that I don't want to do the work of the Lord, but like anyone else, I am bossed around by my flesh.
Last night we learned that a neighbor to our church died of alcoholism. He was a younger man; a roofer. I felt sick inside when I learned this news. Yes, we had been friendly to him. His teenage daughter had once come to service and I gave her little gift, I heard that she was not permitted to attend again. I know that the Lord had prodded us to visit their home and invite them again. Lord, wake me me to say "yes" to your spirit and climb over my flesh to act upon your word.
I want to be a wise person. Proverb 2 is chocked full of promises for those that listen! God is so ready to pour out his favor upon us if we just listen to his voice. I want to act like the Bride of Christ, sold out, totally invested in His work. Wake me up Lord!