I’ve wanted to write this for a long time and it occurred to me tonight would be a great night for writing. Our family moved to our home on Tracy Lynn the summer of 2004, so this summer we have lived here for 12 years. It’s’ been a great place to live. AJ began kindergarten at Clear Springs and now he’s a senior PSEO student at HTC. Also, we now are grandparents!
Here’s the reason for my letter:
I have been a Christian since I was a small child, but at the age of 14 something dramatic happened to me and I want to share my story with you. I attended a church where some incredible things were taking place. I saw people healed, I saw people delivered from depression, alcohol and drug abuse. My friend was deaf since birth and I was there when her hearing was restored. (She was in our wedding) I saw people’s lives changed and it changed my life. My faith in Jesus Christ became alive and I’ve never been the same. I experienced the exact thing the early Christians did. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. I never felt so much power and love ever before! I then realized that the Bible was TRUE and I wanted to learn more.
During my teen years I made some promises to God and I asked God to prepare me for ministry, and within days of praying that prayer, I was in a terrible car crash. I was hit head on and suffered many injuries, some being permanent. During the time of recovery I was asked to travel with a choir from my college. I was praying one morning early on the bus (we had traveled all night). I asked the Lord why my life had been spared. I got my answer! Since then, as God has directed me, I have tried to share the Gospel and God’s love with others, especially young people.
Jeff and I married in 1981, and have been blessed with three children. Even though life has had some pretty tough moments, when I wondered why I was going through such difficult times, I have never doubted that God was good and that he is very real and very close. He can turn our sorrows into joy. He works through our troubles, he uses what we are ashamed of to do miracles!
Our older kids Johannah, Tim (Jordana) are very involved in the ministry as well. They moved to Detroit, MI to work in a church that is really making a difference (The International Church of Metro Detroit/Pastor Wilson). Their pastor has had tremendous influence in New York at the United Nations and have seen many of the delegates become Christians. There have been some of them healed of terminal illnesses recently. People are learning that God is real and the Bible is real. It is so exciting! People have been disappointed and often bored at churches, but this experience is not a religion, it is like nothing else! Watch a minister friend of ours as he addresses the United Nations :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYt8sv4vzQs
I am so grateful that you took the time to read this letter. Let me know if you’d like to know more. Contact me (text is best) 612-250-5560 or kpriessler@yahoo.com 5430 Tracy Lynn, Jeff and I have Bible Studies at our home on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm, you are very welcome.
Tulla (Kris) Priessler