Sometimes we "normal" people encounter irrational fears. These fears can cause us to make decisions in order to avoid these feelings next time. We go to great lengths to insulate ourselves from further pains.
The trouble is,there is no true injury, it is mostly imaginary.
Sometimes the decisions we make causes us to hurt ourselves and those around us. Sometimes very sane people can experience a "flight" response to the fears that are felt. Fleeing may the very worst thing that a person could do.
I am not writing about diagnosable mental illness; those that suffer with forms of paranoia are inundated with debilitating fears. I hurt for them.
I am referring to those of us that fear things that are not really there.
Fear of being alone, isolation, unemployment, rejection, infertility, public ridicule, poverty, failure, illness/death, condemnation... and subsequent damnation.
There are so many fears people can experience.
Let's resolve to not fear the year....when fears come knocking on our heart's door...let's raise up and yell at the fear, claiming our power over it. gone! Joy move back in...take over my heart and reign in my heart.