The ministry we may have with the most enduring impact may be that of children and youth. Adults can be pretty set...even though they are hungry and may repent and follow the Lord.. it is children that are truly the heart beat of God and
when we bring God's love to them, they never forget His touch and influence.
I still remember those that were extra kind to me in school and church as a little kid. The tiny gifts and compliments are etched in my memory.
There are so many adults that push children aside...maybe not physically but in their attitude. Children sense and know who is really of God. Their tender spirits are so pure.
Ego in the ministry may be why many preachers overlook kid's ministry. A preacher can boast about how much money they raised and gave to some ministry or how many new buildings that were built or purchased....but to the Lord all of that can be washed away as quickly as the Japanese Tsunami.
It's the little ones that are the key!
I applaud those involved in Summer Bible Camps like Camp Galilee, Bible quizzing coaches, youth workers, evangelists, Sunday School and Kid's Bible hour teachers and all those that are quietly THERE with their prayer, love and support.
God Bless you all! Don't quit, keep going...our next generation needs you.