I found a website about long hair that was really fun to read today after a friend asked me last night if I had any good hairstyles for long hair. Since I am the LAST person she should have asked, it was sort of a fun challenge for me to come up with an answer. I'm not very clever with new hairstyles as many of you know. I was delighted at what I found on the internet about long hair. Wow, there are so many women with long long hair. It was encouraging; where I live it is not too popular for a woman to have long hair.
I choose to not cut my hair for several reasons. Namely, I find that there is spiritual power connected to hair. I know that sounds strange, but strange or not, I have often been reminded that the spirit world responds to our actions in the flesh, and for some reason the Lord connects uncut hair on women with submission. And this is the powerful, honorable kind of submission; not the fearful, forced sort of submission that is so disgusting that we hear about in many cultures.
If the fallen angels (demons) were not granted as much power as a woman with her head "covered", then I hold in high esteem those that grow their hair long for spiritual reasons.
Our hair was given to us as a spiritual protection or "covering" and for us to have glory, not shame, not degradation. That is another gift from God.
I Corinthians 11:15 ---But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
I hope this is not a distasteful article to you, I certainly am not intending to alienate anyone. But I just felt like sharing some of my personal thoughts on this subject.
There are Jewish, Hindi, Apostolic Pentecostal, nature lovers and many others posting on this site, so it is a fun read....http://www.longhaircommunity.com