If you have a painful situation in your family I encourage you to pray while you're working, pray while you're driving, pray while you are doing mundane tasks. Take some special time and steal away with God. Remind him of your heartaches and praise him as you see with your eyes of faith those prayers answered in faith. Speak your faith in prayer and praise. I know we have heard these in words of faith for years and years but we really need to be reminded. I see some people giving up and saying, "oh well, at least they are nice people". I implore you to stay steadfast in your faith. If you've ever heard the testimony of someone who has come back to the Lord or come to the Lord for the first time, you'll realize again the tremendous impact that prayer has.
Remember to pray with a clean heart, keep your own life transparent before God and do what the Lord is asking you to do. In Hebrews 12, we are encouraged to "follow peace with all men". The same passage said that Esau tried to repent and cried out to God but was not able to find repentance. Repentance is a wonderful gift from God, but we can't repent without laying our own will down. In this new year of 2017, clean your heart and pray, pray, pray!
Pray, prayer, desperation, suicide, repentance, Hebrews, pain, miracles , Testimony